
Control actions within Responsible Drinking

Promotion of responsible drinking of beer is one of Carlsberg Kazakhstan’s key priorities in sustainable development. Within responsible drinking policy, ‘Beer Watch’ project takes place. These social actions aim at preventing of alcohol sales to minors.

Since 2009 social raids of the trade outlets have been carried with participation of the social activists and the brewery employees. The main purpose of the action is to attract public attention to the actual problem.

‘Beer Watch’ is under control of police girls

An information campaign among 7,000 visitors of the music festival was conducted by charming, but strict "police girls". During the event guests were greeted with steering wheels, which later could be exchanged for gifts from Carlsberg Kazakhstan.

The message of the campaign was that alcoholic beverages can be consumed only by leaving the steering wheel. Also information badges and stickers were distributed. Anyone interested took photos near the press wall of the action and shared their negative experience of drunk driving and expressing their personal support for an information campaign.

Since 2015 Carldberg Group jointly with other large brewing companies launched Global Beer Responsibility Day initiative, which aims to remind consumers around the world about responsible drinking. For example, Global Beer Responsibility Day 2016 directly engaged more than 700,000 consumers and reached more than 200,000,000 consumers with responsible drinking messages and activations.

In 2017 the Global Beer Responsibility Day was held in a new format. The participants of the action were the visitors of the Almaty bars, pubs, well-known Internet users and journalists. During the performance, disguised Angel and Devil discussed the responsible drinking issue with the beer lovers. Beer lovers were encouraged to drink beer responsibly, never combining drinking and driving. At the end information materials, stickers and badges about were distributed among the participants.